Cat behavior and behavior of dogs puzzles the most savvy pet owners, and pet behavior problems lose dogs and cats their homes. Animal behavioral problems arise out of owners not understanding dog language or cat language, and misunderstanding normal animal behavior. From conflicts over favorite sleep spots, sharing potty facilities, resource guarding toys or jealous pets when sharing your attention, adding new pets rubs fur the wrong way and creates hairy situations for everyone—including you.
This guide gives owners the ability to understand dog behavior with prescriptive how-to advice for the most common cat behavioral problems when cats and dogs live together. The book includes information about aggressive dog behavior, dog language, positive dog obedience training techniques, how to stop dog biting and prevent dog behavioral problems, understanding feline body language and cat hisses, dealing with cat litter box problems, cat nutrition and feeding challenges around dogs, and more.
Fun, practical, and eminently informative, ComPETability briefly looks at the biological, evolutionary, and behavioral differences between cats and dogs to devise strategies for owners that enable the two species to live in harmony within the same household. Written by one of America's premier pet experts, the book explains everything an owner of a cat and dog should know.