Cathy Alexander’s journey began with a dream of becoming a doctor, but when she joined the Army and was sent to Vietnam, her dream quickly becomes a nightmare. As a nurse at the 95th Evac Hospital, she witnesses the brutal realities of war. She perseveres and graduates from medical school. Despite her achievements, the Vietnam War left a lasting mark on her psyche. She must confront the memories she’s been trying to forget. Will she overcome her past and find a way to move forward?
"Angel’s book is a vivid depiction of the horrors of war. You find yourself drawn in from the very first page. Her character development puts you right inside their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Angel writes so you feel the intensity of the battles, the despair of the wounded as well as the survivors who process the guilt of surviving." - Patti Hendrix, Nurse, 85th Evac Hospital
After a successful career in law enforcement as a field officer, explosives detection K-9 handler, and fatality traffic investigator, Angel Giacomo gravitated into writing. She has a degree in Political Science and History. A big believer in helping veterans, Angel supports a number of veteran organizations. Her first book, a military thriller, The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Eye of the Storm was published in 2020.
Angel has had many different careers. Her life has been a learning experience of over 50 years. Examples of her experience range from handling a bomb dog, loading cargo planes, sitting at a computer entering data, playing the trombone, washing dishes at a restaurant, and sacking groceries.
She has attended FEMA classes in Terrorism, Suicide bombers, and Nuclear/Biological, handled explosives, and shot different weapons from the M1 Garand to the AR-15, and many different pistols.
A jack of many trades and master of none. Or maybe a few.