Though written in the 1930s, Anthem addresses controversial subjects in society that are still relevant today: equality, environment, sexism, mental health, the role of government. In revisiting this book and its many subjects, one keeps catching glimpses of understandings, and connections with our society today. The use of тАЬweтАЭтАФcould it have a connection to the way we now declare our pronouns? The light he createsтАФcould it have a connection to how man exploits the planet and is paying the price for it now? The Mating HallтАФcould it have a connection to the Me Too movement? The assumption that all must be happy, for there is no reason not to beтАФcould it have a connection to our dawning understanding of mental health? Then, as you hear the struggles of the main character to grasp something just beyond his fingertips, you too may struggle to find your own understanding of what all this means in todayтАЩs world. Listen. And see what questions it brings to mind for you.
Ayn Rand (1905тАУ1982) was born in Russia, graduated from the University of Leningrad, and came to the United States in 1926. She published her first novel in 1936. With the publication of The Fountainhead in 1943, she achieved a spectacular and enduring success, and her unique philosophy, Objectivism, gained a worldwide following.