In his compelling new work of fiction, Aravind Adiga has imagined the small Indian city of Kittur, an everytown nestling on the coast south of Goa and north of Calicut. Through the myriad and distinctive voices of its in habitants, an entire Indian world comes vividly and unforgettably to life. Adiga has produced a microcosm of Indian life in the 80s, the years between the assassinations of Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv. Muslim, Christian and Hindu, high-caste and low-caste, rich and poor: all of Indian life - the 'sorrowful parade of humanity' - is here. Sizzling with acid observations, and textured with wicked humour and gentle humanity, Between The Assassinations is a trumph of voice and imagination.
Read by Kerry Shale
(p) 2009 Orion Publishing Group