In the enchanting town of Sunset Creek, Alice, an 18-year-old with an adventurous spirit, finds herself drawn into a world of mystery and passion. Alongside her mother and little brother, she begins a new chapter in her life, unaware of the dark secrets that lie beneath the surface.
When Alice's new friends reveal the existence of a hidden store in the woods, owned by theenigmatic Phoenix, her curiosity takes hold. Whispers of a haunting legend surround Phoenix's store, warning that those who dare to visit at night are never seen again. Undeterred by the chilling tales, Alice becomes entangled in a dangerous bet that will forever change her fate.
As the moon rises over Sunset Creek, Alice discovers a love that defies all reason—a forbidden romance with a creature of the night. Will their connection withstand the trials of a world filled with secrets and shadows? Or will their love be torn apart by the very darkness that brought them together?
"Dark Blood" is a spellbinding vampire romance that will transport you into a world of forbidden desires, heart-pounding suspense, and undying love. Prepare to be captivated by this thrilling tale that will leave you yearning for more.
¨In one of the scariest and unexpected times of my life, I met him ...Ace…my owner…my dark prince.¨
This book is part of a series but can be read as a standalone, all books happen in the same universe and some are connected but all can be read in no particular order.