When Adam Cain's old bounty-hunting friends, Summer, Monty, and Tidus, show up searching for the most-wanted fugitive in the galaxy, their efforts are thwarted by another old friend, Copernicus Smith. The deep-cover spy has his own reason for finding the fugitive, and it's not to earn the million-credit bounty offered for his capture. The elusive alien absconded with billions of credits from his homeworld just before the Mad Aris Kracion irradiated the planet. And now it seems as though the entire galaxy is looking for him. What no one knows is that the stolen money is earmarked for a deadly plan to finance a new threat to the galaxy, one more covert, more diabolical, more insidious than any before it. And now that Adam's old friends are involved that means he is, too, whether he likes it or not. Once again, it's a mad-dash race to find the treasure, stop the bad guys and save the galaxy. Sounds daunting, doesn't it. In reality, it's just another day in the lives of our heroes, Adam Cain, Sherri Valentine, and Riyad Tarazi.
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