Vivez bien, aimez beaucoup, riez souvent. (Live well, love much, laugh often.) As a French language learner, you know that there is something magical about being able to express yourself in this beautiful language. Now Behind the Wheel French 2 invites you to practice your foundational French with lessons and stories based around real life scenarios, like eating out, shopping, and getting around town. This course first reviews basic concepts from French Level 1, then expands on these areas, focusing on medium-length sentence combinations, versatile vocabulary, and extensive sentence building instruction to improve conversation skills and listening comprehension. French Level 2 features both English and native French speaking instructors.
This program includes a companion book to reinforce and enhance the audio experience.
MARK FROBOSE is the founder of the Behind the Wheel series. A foreign language instructor for more than thirty years, he has built a career on "taking the foreign out of language." He is a nationally recognized foreign language speaker, teacher, and author.