Travel back to a thousand years before the Aztecs, when volcanos obliterated cities, impelling the survivors to find a place of safety.
These survivors built the largest city in the Americas and one of the world’s top seven megacities. They erected the highest pyramid in Mexico and apartment compounds for 125,000 people.
Teotihuacan stood out as Mesoamerica’s leading metropolis from the 3rd to 6th century CE. Its multi-ethnic population developed coast-to-coast trade, extending south to Central America. They painted spectacular murals, created dramatic sculptures, and established a commercial center with hundreds of workshops producing razor-sharp obsidian weaponry, exquisite ceramics, and flamboyant clothing.
This audiobook’s easy to listen to narrative and thorough research will keep you engaged as you explore Teotihuacan’s riveting and phenomenal history.
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