In the heart of Middle Earth, where danger lurks behind every enchanted forest and evil Orc armies stomp in rhythm, an unlikely band of misfits sets out on a hilariously chaotic quest to save the realm. Jael, a lonely and charming gay fairy with an affinity for overthinking, is thrust into adventure when he meets Barnum, a sassy Dwarf drag queen whose stage name, Vidalia, shines brighter than any jewel beneath the mountain. Together, they’re on a mission to defeat the Dark Lord—a brooding overlord with a penchant for overly dramatic monologues—and his legions of Orcs.
Their journey grows more colorful when they’re joined by Trixa, a sarcastic and flirtatious lesbian Elf Archer who’s better with arrows than emotions, and Billy, a magician so inept that every spell he casts feels more like a party trick gone wrong. Whether they’re stumbling through a cursed forest that turns their clothes into mismatched plaid or facing down an army of Orcs in a glitter-fueled dance-off led by Vidalia, this ragtag group proves that saving the world doesn’t have to be serious—it just has to be fabulous.
As they near the Dark Lord’s lair, their bumbling plans culminate in an epic showdown where Billy’s miscast spell turns the Dark Lord’s fortress into a karaoke bar, forcing the villain and his minions to belt out embarrassing show tunes. With quick thinking, sharp wit, and enough sequins to blind an army, the group outsmarts the Dark Lord in the most ridiculous way imaginable.
Brandon Rowell is a passionate storyteller with a deep love for fantasy narratives. His works explore the magic of love, self-discovery, and overcoming the odds in worlds that blend the fantastical with the deeply human. Known for creating characters who grapple with both magical powers and real-world emotions, Brandon’s stories captivate readers by weaving together elements of adventure, romance, and self-empowerment.
When he’s not writing, Brandon enjoys discussing the latest trends in fantasy fiction, creating worlds that challenge conventional narratives, and exploring the beauty of the world. Brandon believes that every story has the power to inspire, and he’s committed to creating narratives that resonate with readers of all backgrounds, helping them to see themselves reflected in the stories they love.