Man has learnt to control his dominion by the use of what initially lay about him; wood and stone for shelter and building as well as resources from the plant and animal worlds over which he slowly obtained dominion. But as he organised into Nations and Empires, he needed more with which to keep the whole machine spinning. Society was growing and consuming more. But many of the richer seams of fuel and minerals lay buried underground. These riches needed exploiting, brought to the surface to be used and sold. In this volume our authors detail sharp-eyed narratives on people whose lives were connected and directed by what happened underground.
1 - Stories About Mines and Mining - An Introduction
2 - Odour of Chrysanthemums by D H Lawrence
3 - The Mine Cart by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
4 - The Luck of Roaring Camp by Bret Harte
5 - An Unexpected Reunion by Johann Hebel
6 - The Mines of Falun - Part 1 by E T A Hoffman
7 - The Mines of Falun - Part 2 by E T A Hoffman
8 - Her Turn by D H Lawrence