Broken Dove: Dark Mafia Romance

· Rose Knight · Чита Madison Simons и Martin Clark
1 рецензија
7 с 24 мин
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О овој аудио-књизи

The moment I saw her standing there, broken and vulnerable, I knew I had to save her. Her haunting green eyes, her trembling form - she was the perfect prey, ripe for the taking.

I watched as she struggled to keep it together, to maintain her composure in the face of her misfortune. I could see the cracks forming, the desperation seeping through. She was teetering on the edge, ready to shatter.

That secret she's desperately trying to hide from me? I know exactly what it is.

And I would be the one to pick up the pieces. To mold her into something exquisite, something that belonged solely to me.

Her body, her pleasure, her very soul - they all belong to me now. I will break Sienna her defenses until she's quivering beneath my touch, begging for more. The delicious taste of her tears, the trembling of her limbs as I dominate her senseless.

She will beg for my affection, plead for the ecstasy only I can offer. And when she's trembling beneath me, utterly spent and satisfied, she will finally understand - she was always meant to be mine.

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1 рецензија

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