“ I didn’t write this book. Life did.”- Caren Ware
An arduous childhood. A devastating divorce. A desire to run. A passion for people.
Caren’s focus was to become FIT. She decided to run a marathon on every continent, as remote as she could get.
The pursuit became so much more than the distance of miles.
This book is about grasping hold of the outdoors and what can happen when you make running an active part of who you are.
It’s about meeting cultures and learning to help in real ways.
It’s FINDING that our heart might be our strongest muscle.
In these pages, you will FOLLOW Caren as she runs from Alaska to the Australian Outback, and from the Galapagos Islands to Antarctica. She found herself more lost in the concrete jungles of Paris, Tokyo, and Los Angeles, than in Alaska. In Africa, she ran the Mt. Kilimanjaro Marathon, followed by a climb to its 19,341 foot (5,895m) summit. She trekked through the Himalayas in Nepal to Everest Basecamp to run the world’s highest and toughest marathon, and then finally FOUND herself in the pristine, windswept reaches of Patagonia in South America.
RIVETING. This book is about FINDING true value in experiencing people and cultures. And FINDING ways to surmount the seemingly unsurmountable. To stand back up and keep on going.
FINDING FIT is the journey of becoming healthy on the inside and out. And putting the puzzle pieces of life back together. May her journey help you summit yours.
“When life is tough, we can get tougher.”