Chaos in Paradise

Pink Flamingo Publications · AA bidezko narrazioa, Madison narratzailearen ahotsarekin (Google-koa)
4 h 7 min
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AA bidezko narrazioa
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Audio-liburu honi buruz

In this futuristic fantasy, Teagan wanders from the crude, chaotic anarchy of the South to the pristine Utopian north, a place that promises peace and justice. She unwittingly falls in love with a man who befriends her in her new home, and she's swept into the beauty and treachery of this master's domain, a world with a menacing dark side as lust-filled as her homeland. Surrender is inevitable. Little does she know, however, that Keven is no commoner, but a titled nobleman and high priest. When she discovers his true identity, she tries to flee, but can't. He has her bound by a love and a desire for the extremes of sexual pleasure he offers. This riveting exploration of D/s lust and the wondrously terrifying acts that define this brand of sex is filled with the darkest of S & M passions and the sensuous magic that follows.

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