The Great Quest by Charles Boardman Hawes: "The Great Quest" is an adventure novel by Charles Boardman Hawes that follows the story of a young boy named Dickon who embarks on a perilous journey in search of treasure. Hawes' book combines elements of adventure, exploration, and discovery, offering readers an engaging and thrilling narrative.
Key Aspects of the Book "The Great Quest":
Adventure and Exploration: Hawes' novel takes readers on a captivating journey filled with adventure and discovery.
Quest for Treasure: The book revolves around the quest for treasure and the challenges faced by the young protagonist.
Young Adult Literature: "The Great Quest" is a classic example of adventure literature for young readers.
Charles Boardman Hawes (1889-1923) was an American author known for his works of adventure fiction for young readers. "The Great Quest" reflects his talent for crafting thrilling and imaginative stories.