A bawdy Regency tale based on the exploits of Mary Bolinbroke and her family during that period. The first in the series.
When Mary Bolinbroke first discovered her father’s hidden books she enjoyed them so much that she resolved to write her own stories and to get them published. This then is her first penned work, a tale not only of her own lusty life as a young woman exploring the delights of sexual liaison, but also of the feud between her stepmother, Charlotte and the next door Neighbour, Lady Gormley.
I n keeping with the times, licentious behaviour rules in the two houses, all avenues are explored in her story detailing the bawdy happenings that prevailed in this period of time when rude cartoons by such as Thomas Rowlindson were highly collectable and when the strict propriety of marriage was often circumvented by wicked lust.
If you like a good historical romp with no holds barred then I’m sure this story will appeal to you, and id Mary were able to look down from on high she would be excited to know that her stories were still being read and enjoyed today.