There are times in our lives when we simply get to the point that we say, "I can't take it anymore!" This depression is just too dark. This marriage is just too hard. The job I lost, the family member I buried, the junk I'm going through. And deep, down inside your heart you say, "I quit. I'm done." And though you may go through the motions on the outside, you've just had it. Your mind says, "I've got to trust God," but your heart says, "I've heard it all before and it's not working for me." You begin to drift - from people and from God. This series, drawn from Nehemiah, will help you overcome adversity and keep you pressing ahead no matter what.
Chip Ingram's passion is to help Christians really live like Christians. As a pastor, author, coach, and teacher for twenty-five years, Chip has helped people around the world break out of spiritual ruts to live out God's purpose for their lives.
Today, he serves as Senior Pastor of Venture Christian Church in Silicon Valley, California, and CEO and Founder of Living on the Edge - an international teaching and discipleship ministry. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four children and nine grandchildren.
For more information about Chip or Living on the Edge, please visit