If you have to negotiate a vital contract, resolve a conflict with a colleague, or get better loan terms from the bank, The Outstanding Negotiator will show you how. This step-by-step course has been used to train executives and managers all over the world. You will learn:
- How to evaluate your abilities as a negotiator
- How to anticipate the other party’s attitudes ans reactions
- The 6 indispensable stages of effective negotiation
- How to react with to outrageous demands
- 12 ways to deal with a breakdown in negotiations
- How to make — and obtain — concessions
- 8 tactics to obtain more power than you thought possible
- How to close the deal
A progressive course designed to teach you the winning techniques and secret strategies used by the world's top negotiators. Throughout there are exercises, tests and simulated situations.
Christian H. Godefroy has worked as a training specialist for many companies, including Renault and IBM. Louis Robert, a businessman and management consultant, conducts training seminars for organisations and corporations around the world.