Everyone feels anxious once in a while. Whether you have a major test, a huge work deadline, or a change in your financial or marital status; experiencing anxiety is common. However, when you cannot let go of those nervous or worrisome feelings and they tend to take over your thoughts and your feelings, you're dealing with some anxiety that is outside of what's normal. It might indicate an anxiety disorder that needs attention and treatment.
This book explains the various types of anxiety disorders and helps you overcome fear and end panic attacks. By reading this book, you'll learn:
• using exercise and meditation to relieve stress;
• how mindfulness can help you reduce anxiety;
• how diet affects your mental and emotional health;
• how to overcome negative thoughts and embrace positive thinking;
• how to manage anxiety disorder at work or in public;
• how to keep social anxiety at bay;
and much more!
Order your copy of Stop Anxiety now!