Tragedy plus time equals a second chance...
In 1953, Dean Edmonds wishes he could start over. Trapped in a loveless marriage and a job he hates, he fears he'll never realize his boyhood fantasy of becoming an author. But his dream of a new opportunity turns into dark reality when a deadly car crash kills his wife and children...
Nine years later, Dean has rebuilt his life with a new family and a successful career. Finally content with his world, a second car accident doesn't just rip the people he loves away... it sends him back in time and into the arms of his first wife.
Unsure how to endure his impossible scenario, can Dean live life better the second time around?
Recent reviewers have said:
"I'm a huge fan of sci-fi and loved Fate's Highway! It took me a moment to keep up at first, but once I got few chapters in I couldn't put it down! I had to see what happened next! It's one of those stories you are sad to see come to an end. Found myself bawling through the last few chapters,I was so engrossed in the characters. No lie. Christine weaves a lovely tale with twists and turns that leave you delighted. Worth the read!"
"This book flowed so easily. I had a very hard time putting it down (to get my chores done). I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. This is nothing like those "If you had a chance to do it over again -- would you?" - type of books. This story is different in how it develops -- unexpected questions and delights along the way. Characters developed with easy-to-track stories. I enjoy stories where I don't have to keep re-reading sections to keep track of everyone. I was sorry when this book was finished. It was a delight to read."