The Unreal World is calling...
As newly converted members of the Coalition, Channel and Aave infiltrate their prior home in an attempt to access Cerebrolink’s secrets.
After struggling to survive in the Real world, Channel once again finds herself in Paradise 3, where absolutely anything goes.
She knows her mission. But the Unreal World was designed to make people forget.
Following Channel’s unexpected departure, Mila and her friends join their Coalition escorts to complete the final leg of their journey to the Reals.
With inside contacts and undeniable proof that the Real world is healing, Mila has never felt more idealistic about their future.
That is...until unfamiliar faces emerge from a P7 rescue transport. Until everyone she loves is restrained and tossed into a holding cell in a vehicle heading anywhere but home.
As the Community’s vice tightens, the pull of a virtual utopia is stronger than ever.
Will Mila and Channel find a way to break free and save the people they love—and themselves—before they’re unknowingly trapped in Paradise forever?