The Obsession Game follows the story of Lucas Hawthorne, a young man whose fanatical admiration for Hollywood actor Jake Dawson leads him down a dangerous path of obsession and deception. Lucas, a collector of Jake's films and memorabilia, feels a deep connection to the actor, believing their lives are somehow intertwined. When Lucas accidentally meets Jake at a film event, he seizes the opportunity to falsely claim they are old friends, hoping to form a deeper bond with his idol. However, Jake, eager to maintain his privacy, is confused and trapped by Lucas's lies.
Maximus "Max" Carter, Lucas’s tech-savvy but socially awkward best friend, becomes involved in the scheme, helping Lucas fabricate the illusion of their friendship by hacking Jake’s social media. As Lucas becomes more entangled in his lies, he realizes that his obsession may ruin his life. But just as the web of deception becomes too tangled, Lucas discovers that there is a darker force at work—someone has been manipulating him all along.
Cindy Monica is a writer with a deep interest in the science fiction and fantasy genres. With a vast imagination and a strong storytelling ability, Cindy has created unique worlds filled with adventure, magic, and inspiring characters.
As a self-publishing author, Cindy is not only involved in the writing process but also in editing, designing, and publishing her own books. Her dedication and passion for the art of storytelling drive her to continue producing new works that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.
She hopes her works inspire readers to explore new worlds and discover deeper meanings in every story.
In her spare time, Cindy enjoys reading, drawing, and spending time in nature, which often serves as a source of inspiration for her stories. The Obsession Game is one of the books written by Cindy Monica.