In the captivating world of "Magic Mirror," an enthralling literary work penned by the talented author D.M. Sorlie, a seemingly innocent charity auction takes an unexpected turn. Annually held at the prestigious Crystal Bay Club, this event promises to raise substantial funds for a noble cause. The highlight of the auction? A set of rare French art books, highly sought after by art enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Initially, the members of the club were elated by the attention their charity auction garnered, envisioning the impressive sum that these extraordinary books could fetch. However, their excitement quickly transforms into fear and apprehension when a chilling revelation comes to light. A serial killer is haunting the tranquil lake area, terrorizing its unsuspecting residents.
As the body count rises, a sense of unease settles over the community. The victims appear to have no discernible connection, leaving the residents baffled and fearful. Yet, could there be a hidden thread linking these seemingly unrelated individuals?
In a thrilling twist, the mystery takes an unexpected turn, leading the characters on a journey that transports them from the peaceful lake area to the enchanting streets of Paris and back. As they navigate the winding alleys and hidden secrets of the City of Light, the truth slowly unravels, revealing a web of intrigue and deception.
In "Magic Mirror," D.M. Sorlie weaves a tale of suspense, mystery, and unexpected connections that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Prepare to be captivated as you traverse the atmospheric streets of Paris, where the line between reality and illusion blurs, and secrets lie hidden beneath the surface. Brace yourself for a journey that will take you from the tranquil shores of Crystal Bay to the bustling streets of Paris and back, as you uncover the truth behind the enigmatic mirror that reflects both beauty and darkness.
D.M. Sorlie created the Sue Lee Mysteries, an historical fiction series that follows a timeline set during and after World War Two. The stories document global efforts to locate looted art for museums. D.M.’s work has been crafted during his extensive journeys with his beloved wife, who serves as his critic.
Writing from a Parisian apartment, Harry’s Bar in Rome, or while in New Zealand searching for Amelia Earhart for his book, “My Friend Amelia,: are just some of their adventures that inspired D.M.’s work.