LAS VEGAS, not THAT Vegas, but N. Vegas, a dangerous black hole of sexual depravity, acid etched freedom, consenting sex, crime, private sex clubs, BDSM, gay, straight, young, old, Goth, Punk, Hip hop kids. Also, lawyers, sport stars, doctors, preachers, rich bi sexual divorcees, and cops, needing release from the 24/7 mass death and carnage. There are top predators, Alpha females and males. One is Mandal, 27, bi sexual, a gorgeous tall blonde ex-grifter, thief, whore, at 25 a contract killer for the New Jersey Mafia. She murders a Mafia Don, six of his crew, stealing a million dollars, then drifts into Vegas. The other female, OBA, a stunning, 6ft 2, lesbian black Somali, ex soldier, killer, tribal, scars on her face, sidekick of an artist, killer, super thief named Mal. They all meet, merge, fall in love and move through Vegas as a vicious serial killer runs amok, killing the homeless. With the backdrop of a young beautiful female’s death, a vengeful Mafia Don’s daughter, a crazed ex childhood Sitcom star and a burnt out homicide cop, here exposed is a hidden world of violence and liberating sexual honesty, a world few human beings ever thought possible.