The book utilizes story analogies and structured protocols for pendulum healing to effectively sync into the subconscious. By weaving together engaging narratives and clear, step-by-step instructions, it helps readers internalize the techniques, making the healing process intuitive and deeply resonant.
This approach not only makes the concepts accessible but also ensures that the healing practices are profoundly integrated into the reader's subconscious mind.
Each tale serves as a metaphor, embedding the techniques into the reader's psyche. The structured protocols provide a solid framework, guiding readers through the healing process with precision and clarity.
In this book, you’ll:
· Understand the concept of divination and its origins and history.
· Learn astrology's role in divinatory practices and how the stars can reveal the future.
· Decode your birth chart using the positions of celestial objects.
· Reveal the secret behind using numerology in divination and find your life’s path in the numbers.
· Master the divining art of tarot for everyday use or to answer more pressing questions about your life.
· Understand how palm reading is done and how to apply palmistry accurately.
These techniques are simple, but powerful and they work fast. You'll see the results from practicing these techniques from the very first moment you apply them.
These techniques can easily be applied while you're driving, while you walking, while you're running errands.
Hi, my name is Desmond Contreras. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.