Feeling frustrated because you can't get more done?
Many of us want to accomplish more. perhaps it is to start and finish a project, develop a new skill, begin a new hobby or career, improve in our work, or just be more productive in general. But we have self-sabotaging habits and tough roadblocks preventing us from making headway.
YOUR ACTION, YOUR SUCCESS addresses many of our challenges and offers solutions for getting ourselves moving.
Begin with YOUR ACTION, YOUR SUCCESS today and imagine where you can be in 3 months, 6 months, a year from now. Soon you will be on your way to getting more accomplished and celebrating your progress!
“We all have those items on a ‘to do’ list that we never seem to get to. Diane teaches how to tackle items in a well-written, easy to read and understandable way.” -Natalie K., Human Resources Professional
“Instead of mindlessly following lists of commands about how to be successful, her conversational and storytelling style puts personal perspective around her motivational concepts.” -Webb P., Filmmaker
“Ms. Dresback offers readers an in-depth view into what prevents well-intentioned individuals from achieving their goals and provides valuable insights to help anyone push beyond perceived roadblocks.” - Kimberly T., Financial Services Professional