It’s not how much knowledge you have that will make you rich, it’s how you organize that knowledge that will make you rich. – Napolean Hill
Earma Brown is fiercely committed to guiding experts, doctorate and business professionals, writers and WOW! Women to create lasting money streams starting with a 24/7 lead generating book so they can have a lifestyle business of their dreams and live anywhere they want in the world.
If you are looking for a proven professional who can guide you to overcome the giant called procrastination, pull it all together, get clarity on your core message, finally finish your manuscript and publish it all while getting bigger, better results in a faster time frame, you’ve come to the right place.
With over fifteen years of experience working with amazing clients with similar worries, concerns and guiding them to achieve remarkable success, her mission and commitment is to train as many experts and business professionals, as she can to write a 24/7 lead generating book then publish and promote it to wild success.
According to Earma
My path to become a writer and eventually a book success coach, writing instructor and publishing consultant became clear at the early age of five. I read my first words in our family’s Bible story books. At ten, I wrote my first class curriculum and began to teach it in Sunday School.
After that according to family members, I was rarely seen without a book and a pen in my hand. Yet, I had a long season of not writing while I earned a Bachelor degree in Business and a minor in Accounting. After college, for ten years I worked as an executive retail manager and as an accountant for several corporate firms.
But one day, I had an epiphany where I couldn’t imagine going another day without pursuing my passion of writing. So I did; I signed up for every writing class I could find. I volunteered my newsletter writing services for my family, and business associates along with serving as President of the Dallas AWAI writers group. I studied communications on the Master’s level in college.
In 2000, I wrote my first book and published it through a POD firm. In 2002, with the help of my sisters, I re-published my earlier books along with a few friends’ books under my own publishing company, Butterfly Press Books.
Now, many published books later, twelve writing and publishing courses, numerous client’s books and hundreds of students’ books, writing, publishing and training others in the same has become my life’s work. I am creator of the popular 100 Days To A Book, Self Publish Your Way Now and Ebookitology programs. Also, I am founder of the Book Success Academy.
Clients say remarkable things about the impact my work has on their life and business success.
Others Say
“…I used many of the tips that you provided in the lessons. Sometimes I re-read your lessons and new ideas come to me. Funny how my “inner critic” seems to disappear when I read your lessons… and the “creative” side of me steps up to the plate. You help me to believe in myself…” Nicky Vanvalkenburgh, 2x Award Winning Author
“Earma ‘s work is an invaluable tool and resource for budding writers. We provided a copy of her book ‘Write Your Best Book Now’ in the conference packets to attendees of our annual Writer’s Conference! Personally, it gave me the fresh perspective I needed to kick my own writing into high gear…She is the best at what she does. I highly recommend Earma Brown and any of her courses to help you become the successful author you desire. Shuronda Scott, Author, Possibilities Coach
Your Turn
Similar benefits await you when you decide to invite me to serve in the powerful ways that I can support your success.
What lights me up about my work is knowing I can serve as a mentor in the lives of many and see their lives transformed starting with a book of their own that they love and their readers love. What sets me apart is I am a part of my students and clients, I’ve been where they are. I can relate to their dreams and their frustrations. I had to overcome procrastination; I struggled to pull it all together. I went through periods where I wondered if I would ever finish and be able to put Author behind my name.
But it happened; I’m on the other side training others to create a lead generating, sales magnet book and beyond, something they can be proud of for generations. Not only that but we’re (my clients, students, and me) building books, products and programs to become a sustainable asset that produces for us and our families.
Above All
Above all, Earma is passionate about empowering aspiring authors to create their best life and do the things they’ve only dreamed of doing in the past. Currently, her mission includes dreaming a bigger dream by partnering with 1000 aspiring authors (maybe you) to make their book dreams come true throughout the coming year.
Three Things You May Not Know
Here are three things about me and my work that might surprise and interest you - while serving in our work together.
I set seemingly impossible goals to make myself reach for bigger, better, faster for my students, clients and me. Setting the goal, I inevitably work harder and achieve more. Try it may work for you too. i.e., years ago, that’s why I decided to set the impossible goal of partnering with 1000 aspiring authors in a year’s time…
A part of my story is ‘I was a victim of spousal abuse. I escaped by landing a retail executive job that moved me over 600 miles away. I left and never looked back. I started my new job and began my journey to healing. You see, I was like an old woman inside, walking around humped over with my hands hanging almost to the floor. I put my journey in the Christian self-help memoir WOW! Women trilogy set of books not so much a memoir but more as this is how I was a victim and became victor over my low self-esteem issues. The trilogy of books have become about women encouraging women to victory, destiny and leaving a legacy.
Years later, I used to teach a Bible study class to maximum-security women inmates in Dallas, Texas. I found my calling and purpose with these ladies. The first WOW! Women class was born with them in tow, eventually the books, more classes, workbooks and devotionals.
Back to my newest writing and publishing training designed to help you get started with your book. Sign up for this featured resource The Signature Book Camp at Or join us for the next BIG Dream Evolution event (live or virtual)
And don’t forget, if you’ve already enjoyed one of my books, courses or events recommend it proudly to your friends and family who are interested in writing and publishing a lead generating book.