Wallace, a master British storyteller, creates a fascinating tale. It tells of the fictional mystery author, John Lexdale, who is caught in a plot concocted by an unscrupulous millionaire. The fictional author is entrapped in the strange circumstances, becomes charged with murder and sentenced to prison. At one point he is told his wife has been killed and pledges revenge. He has a Scotland Yard friend, Commisioner T. X. Meredith, who is summoned to combat the highly unusual case. Referred to only by his initials, T. X. manages to thwart the culprit, who winds up being killed himself. The highly unusual aspects will keep you bewildered as you listen and become spellbound.
Edgar Wallace (1875–1932) was a prolific British crime writer, journalist, and playwright who wrote 175 novels, twenty-four plays, and countless articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels, which is more than any other author. He is most famous today as the cocreator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie.
John Rayburn is a veteran of 62 years in broadcasting. He served as a news/sports anchor and show host, and his TV newscast achieved the largest Share of Audience figures of any major-market TV newscast in the nation. John is a member of a Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame.