Don't let the scandalous book cover fool you because The "Gospel" of Divine Abuse is not a clichéd Christian novel. On the contrary, it is a book that seeks to expose the most significant, dangerous, and widespread heresy of the 21st century. Primarily, it is the teaching claiming God so hated sinful humanity that He had to violently abuse, punish, and kill Jesus to appease his wrath, a doctrine known as “Penal Substitution Atonement.”
Have you ever wondered how the God of love and grace, introduced by Jesus—a Jewish rabbi in Israel two thousand years ago who proclaimed His mission not to judge the world but to save it—morphed into a Western fundamentalist god of fear, wrath, and violence? This transformation is rooted in a twisted theology marked by misinterpretations, flawed translations, and verses stripped from their original context. In this book, I aim to expose and refute the doctrine most central to the destructive ideology known as "Christian Fundamentalism."
Why call it destructive?
You might be unaware that church attendance has declined more drastically in the last decade than in the previous five decades combined. Despite a booming global population, church participation is in steep decline. Many Christian leaders refer to this as "the great exodus," noting that younger generations are leaving in droves, pushing the median age of churchgoers close to 60. While some attribute this crisis to "the evil world," I argue that the real issue is more sinister: a harmful doctrine and misrepresentation of God and the gospel preached from many church pulpits!
Indeed, a dangerous, fear-based, and hateful theology has infiltrated Christianity through those often labeled as "fundamentalists." This modern-day heresy, which distorts the true Gospel and devastates many lives, is founded on anything but biblical principles. Join me as we deconstruct religious fundamentalism and reconstruct a genuine understanding of the gospel.