"Tales from a Rural Childhood in South Africa” tells the story of a small village in Grasmere, just outside Johannesburg, where a tight-knit community grew up together, sharing countless experiences. This village was surrounded by South Africa's breathtaking landscape—rolling hills, open fields, and expansive skies. The author recalls a childhood rich in culture, with the echoes of Zulu drums and Afrikaans songs forming the soundtrack of daily life.
Despite the challenges of apartheid, those early years were filled with joy, adventure, and the simple pleasures of village life. A central figure in these memories was Mama, a brown mare rescued from the abattoir by the author's father. Mama wasn’t just a horse—she was a symbol of freedom and companionship. Together, they raced through the open fields, wind in their hair, embodying the spirit of independence. While some children played marbles, the author found joy in those untamed rides, creating an unbreakable bond with Mama and the land.
The village, sold by the government, forced its residents to seek new homes, forever altering the landscape of their shared childhood memories.
Elizabeth lives in rural Alberta, Canada, and is a devoted mother and grandmother. She has a passion for writing children's illustrated books on topics like love, healthy eating, and gardening, as well as sharing her experiences growing up in South Africa. Alongside writing, Elizabeth enjoys photography and gardening. Her love for storytelling shines through in her captivating tales, inspiring the imaginations of young readers everywhere.