Emile or On Education

ยท W. F. Howes Limited ยท ื‘ืงืจื™ื™ื ื•ืช ืฉืœ Jonathan Booth
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The Social Contract and Discourse on Inequality may be the two principal philosophical works for which Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is remembered today, but his educational treatise-novel, Emile or On Education, can claim to be an equally important and, for its time, radical work.

Published in 1762, it had a profound impact on the approach to the education and upbringing of a child, through infancy, childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. This was partly fuelled by the format - for Rousseau presents before us the boy Emile, taking him through the various stages of life, and as Emile becomes a young man, introducing a female counterpart, Sophie. This device personalises what would otherwise be a more formal philosophical presentation.

Emile or On Education is divided into five parts. In book I, Rousseau discusses the challenges of man as a self-centred being, who nevertheless has to learn to live in the world. Rousseau outlines his educational philosophy: โ€˜Plants are fashioned by cultivation, man by education.' In book II, Rousseau focusses on the growing child, the child and its place in the world. He argues that this is the time to encounter nature directly in all its varying delights. Book III sees Rousseau placing high on the agenda the learning of a trade, especially a manual skill, and notes the crucial effect played by role models. Book IV outlines the challenges of the teenage world and finally, in book V, covering the early '20s, Rousseau introduces Sophie. His ideas concerning the education of girls are inevitably fashioned by 18th-century views on women's expected role in society, something which was quickly challenged by figures such as Mary Wollstonecraft.

But though Emile or On Education is undeniably a product of its time, it has profoundly influenced educational concepts right into the 21st century. Rousseau argues for the importance of physical activity in the early years, for example, playing outside and interacting with nature. Only later, as adolescence approaches, should formal study play a more prominent part. The adolescent should approach issues such as religion and philosophy with an open mind (this brought Rousseau and Emile directly into conflict with the conventional religious institutions, resulting in the banning, and even burning, of the book in Paris and Geneva).

Emile or On Education proved a milestone in educational reform and it has remained a stimulating document. For example, it asks, โ€˜Is it good for young people to travel? It should be asked, Are men the better for having travelled?' And further, โ€˜The misuse of books is the death of sound learning...there was never so much reading in any age as the present, and never was there less learning...so many books lead us to neglect the book of the world.'

Translation by Barbara Foxley.

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau (28 June 1712 โ€“ 2 July 1778) was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer. His political philosophy influenced the progress of the Enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the development of modern political, economic, and educational thought. His Discourse on Inequality and The Social Contract are cornerstones in modern political and social thought. Rousseau's sentimental novel Julie, or the New Heloise (1761) was important to the development of preromanticism and romanticism in fiction. His Emile, or On Education (1762) is an educational treatise on the place of the individual in society. Rousseau's autobiographical writingsโ€”the posthumously published Confessions (composed in 1769), which initiated the modern autobiography, and the unfinished Reveries of the Solitary Walker (composed 1776โ€“1778)โ€”exemplified the late 18th-century "Age of Sensibility", and featured an increased focus on subjectivity and introspection that later characterized modern writing. Rousseau befriended fellow philosopher Denis Diderot in 1742, and would later write about Diderot's romantic troubles in his Confessions. During the period of the French Revolution, Rousseau was the most popular of the philosophers among members of the Jacobin Club. He was interred as a national hero in the Panthรฉon in Paris, in 1794, 16 years after his death.

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ืขื•ื“ ืžืืช Jean-Jacques Rousseauโ€

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ื‘ืงืจื™ื™ื ื•ืช ืฉืœ Jonathan Boothโ€