Tim Johnson
I finished this marvellous book last night after enjoying every page of his memoir. After reading many pages and being totally absorbed by his adventures. By the last pages, the reader at least me, cannot believe so many experiences happened to one guy. Still, the book is not fiction; it is the memoir of an extremely fortunate person caught up in extraordinary circumstances. This young man's adventure begins in the period before the Nazi invasion of Russia. At this perilous time, there is no Poland, it has been split between the Eastern half going to Russia, and the Western half going to Nazi Germany. The author lives in Kracow and is drafted into the Russian army, and so begins his adventure. There are short descriptions of the battles he finds himself a part of, but the circumstances surrounding these conflicts are incredibly absorbing. As a reader of this short comment can ascertain, I am a great fan of this book, and I recommend it highly.