This work is called 'Apocalypse, Remote Vision' in inspiration of the documentary we made, where the idea of it is to address the results of the ability of human beings to see the future. US Navy Remote Viewing Covert Ops Lieutenant Colonel 'Ed Dames' talks about some covert missions – and makes it clear that others he can't talk about – recounting how his nation and Russia use psychics to anticipate events to come. In his day the Israelite prophet Joel had predicted that in the twilight of this age that we are experiencing, many people of all kinds would have intuitive, premonitory and prophetic dreams and visions. I always believed that there were messages in dreams, but I did not know how to interpret what I dreamed, and as time passed I assumed that it was rash to give deliberate interpretations to dreams; but after certain incidents in my family life I began to consider it important not to discard this service that our 'esenaurs' (guardian angels) provide us.