Frank J. Dowler
Everyone has experienced situations that made them angry in some way or another. We’ve all done things out of anger we wish we hadn’t. But when our emotions become so out of control they begin to affect our relationships with others—and ourselves—then it’s time to face the truth. Anger management problems are real, and we have to deal with them. If we don’t, it could destroy relationships too important to lose. It’s important to remember that anger is a normal emotion—until it’s not. If you find that people go out of their way to avoid making you angry, you feel isolated, you constantly have snap reactions to situations, you are impatient, or constantly irritable, then you may have an anger problem. This affects not only you but also your loved ones. From meditation to martial arts, there are many strategies to choose from when dealing with misplaced anger. You’ll find that some work better for you than others, so go ahead and get exploring! In this book, you’ll learn: - Signs from which you can determine if you are dealing with your anger in a healthy manner, or you need to implement tools to help you control it. - How to understand the relationship between your stress, anger, and self-control - How to use breathing techniques to control your anger - How to use physical activities to control your anger - How to create an anger plan to use every day - How to keep track of your progress and motivate yourself in anger management - And more!
Anna Fox
I was a very angry person and it had almost ruin my job career . This guide simply turns me into a calm and cool guy. Myself can control all the anger issues with various improvised techniques. All of us have to share our experience to our friends and collegues , so that they can alsohave a nice life
raja rani
I am a diabetic and am always looking for "easy" recipes. Nothing is worse than having to spend lots of money of over rated dishes. This cookbook is just as it advertises, simple and easy without buying a lot of special stuff to prepare the dishes. I actually looked into this book looking for low calorie recipes and it fills the bill in that department also. Being a diabetic makes it hard to lose weight and keep it off. You substitute low calorie ingredients in the recipes and they still taste