In this stirring tale of survival set against the backdrop of the founding of Jamestown, young listeners are introduced to Samuel Collier, the page of famed Captain John Smith. A school perennial and favorite among educators since 2001.
In 1607, a year after the Virginia Company was granted a charter to establish a settlement in North America, 104 men set sail on a voyage to a new land. Among the brave adventurers who make the journey is a young boy named Samuel Collier, the page of famed Captain John Smith. Disease, famine, and continuing attacks by neighboring Algonquin Native Americans take a tremendous toll on the settlers. Samuel is one of the few to survive the harsh realities of the New World during the first few years of Jamestown.
Gail Langer Karwoski writes books for kids of all ages. Her work includes novels and nonfiction for middle grades and young adult readers as well as “green” picture books. Her books are inspired by curiosity, enriched by research, and spiced with personality. They are widely used in schools throughout the country and have appeared on state award lists in Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, and more. She has been named Georgia Author of the Year in Juvenile Literature three times.
Andrew Fallaize is a voice talent and audiobook narrator.