Hailey Vaughn, a charismatic and accomplished business consultant, is about to discover the true depths of obsession and terror. Gage Dolan, a master of electronics and a diagnosed erotomaniac, has been secretly fixated on Hailey for years and has decided it’s time for an introduction. His meticulous preparation has enabled him to insidiously infiltrate Hailey’s life, learning and memorizing intimate details only she should know. After some “coincidental” run-ins where Gage uses his knowledge to wow her, Hailey is intrigued. Facing a crumbling marriage, she yields to temptation by entertaining a business arrangement with Gage.
As Gage’s pursuit becomes increasingly sinister, Hailey realizes the horrifying extent of his twisted fixation. She desperately tries to end the relationship, but her attempts seem only to strengthen Gage’s grasp on her as her world unravels. Gage’s dark plan culminates in a remote cabin, where Hailey learns the terrifying plans her tormentor has for her. She must make an unthinkable choice as the only way to escape.
Let Wanton Regard take you on a chilling ride between the boundaries between sanity and obsession. It will leave you haunted by the lingering echoes of a nightmare that could happen to anyone.