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Very relaxed Very tense With stress and worry, levels of anxiety and tension become higher over time. 1. Find a relaxation exercise that you can practice daily or multiple times per week. Examples are progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, mindfulness, and deep breathing.
Ashish Bajaj
That may well be because you're much more like a garden than you are an electrical appliance! Healing anxiety is an organic process, not just nuts and bolts! Anxiety Specialist Therapist, John Crawford, the author, learned this the hard way when he experienced a terrifying descent into severe anxiety and depression during his twenties and spent many fruitless years seeking the elusive "quick fix" solution before finally meeting a gifted therapist who guided him skilfully to understand what really makes a full recovery possible! Now, almost 25 years later, with that understanding fully cemented, John has spent the last 13 years of his life working as a professional therapist, specialising in the treatment of anxiety disorders.