Golden Oldies: Gay Group Erotica

Between the Two · AA bidezko narrazioa, Mike narratzailearen ahotsarekin (Google-koa)
23 min
Laburtu gabe
AA bidezko narrazioa
Balorazioak eta iritziak ez daude egiaztatuta  Lortu informazio gehiago

Audio-liburu honi buruz

Helping out in a retirement home wasn't Jackson's first choice, but he's got community service requirements to fulfil. What's the worst that could happen? He's a young guy. He can handle anything that comes at him. But when the group of old men Jackson is assigned to entertain reveal what they're into, he's genuinely shocked. Who knew the old guys still had it in them?

Audiobook written by G.R. Richards and produced using AI auto-narration technology.

Egileari buruz

There's a reason guys growl for G.R. Richards. You would never know it by the love of public television documentaries and great food in high-end restaurants, but G.R. Richards pens some of the world's steamiest guy-on-guy stories.

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Eman iezaguzu iritzia.

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