The tension-filled sequel to The Strain, from the world-famous director whose films include Pan’s Labyrinthe and Hellboy. Now a popular Amazon TV show.
Humans have been displaced at the top of the food chain, and now understand – to their outright horror – what it is to be not the consumer, but the consumed.
Ephraim Goodweather, director of the New York office of the Centers for Disease control, is one of the few humans who understands what is really happening. Vampires have arrived in New York City, and their condition is contagious. If they cannot be contained, the entire world is at risk of infection.
As Eph becomes consumed with the battle against the total corruption of humanity, his ex-wife, Kelly, now a vampire herself, is ever-more determined to claim their son, Zack.
As the Biblical origins of the Ancient ones are gradually revealed, Eph learns that there is a greater, more terrible plan in store for the human race – worse even than annihilation...
Guillermo Del Toro was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and made his feature directorial debut in 1995 with the film Cronos, and has since gone on to direct Mimic, The Devil’s Backbone, Blade II, Hellboy I, Hellboy II, and Pan’s Labyrinth, which garnered enormous critical praise worldwide and won three Academy Awards. He is currently working on his next film and with Chuck Hogan writing the third volume in the Strain trilogy.
Chuck Hogan is the author of several acclaimed novels, including Devils in Exile and Prince of Thieves, which won the 2005 Hammett Award, was called one of the ten best novels of the year by Stephen King, and is a major motion picture from Warner Bros. titled The Town. Hogan lives with his family in Massachusetts.