Halloween in Paradise

· Tj Jensen Mystery Część 6 · Tantor Media Inc · Czyta Coleen Marlo
4 godz. 27 min
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In the midst of the annual Halloween frenzy, Tj finds herself pulled into a series of events at the high school where she works. Not only must she help one of the girls on her team deal with a case of cyberbullying, but she must help a student who has recently suffered a personal tragedy. And as if Tj wasn't busy enough, in walks Samantha Colton, a reporter for Second Look, a television series that takes a look back at unsolved murders. This time the case is the death of a popular student after the homecoming dance ten years before. To make matters even worse-or maybe more convenient-the graduating class of the victim is in town for their ten-year reunion and all the suspects just happen to have converged on Serenity for the weekend. When Samantha turns up dead, Tj must track down someone who seems willing to kill again to keep their secret.

O autorze

Kathi Daley is the author of several cozy mystery series, including the Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mysteries and the Zoe Donovan novels. When she isn't writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, and gardening. Kathi lives in Lake Tahoe with her husband, Ken, and dog, Echo. Visit her at kathidaley.com.

AudioFile Earphones Award winner Coleen Marlo has earned numerous Publishers Weekly Listen-Up Awards and won an Audie Award for her narration of Snakewoman of Little Egypt by Robert Hellenga.

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