Robert Holden, Ph.D.'s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, and the PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC-TV documentaries, The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy. Robert leads Living Your Purpose retreats to Assisi. He hosts a Hero's Journey Mastermind. He has taught workshops on Purpose & the Enneagram in London, Findhorn, and Italy. His article for, "Discover Your Purpose," is a people's favorite. Robert's services as a consultant and coach are employed worldwide by organizations and brands such as Dove & the Real Beauty Campaign, the Body Shop, IBM, Google, and Virgin. In the last two years, he has worked with Unilever on a BRAND PURPOSE mission for all of its 4 brands. Robert has presented two TEDx talks on Destination Addiction and The Tea Meditation. He has given over 1 keynotes to industry and 5 keynote talks for I CAN DO IT! conferences worldwide. Robert is a best-selling author of 1 books, including Happiness NOW!, Authentic Success (formerly titled Success Intelligence), Shift Happens!, Loveability, Holy Shift!, Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay), and Finding Love Everywhere.