All day within the palace of the King
In Lacedaemon, was there revelry,
Since Menelaus with the dawn did spring
Forth from his carven couch, and, climbing high
The tower of outlook, gazed along the dry
White road that runs to Pylos through the plain,
And markβd thin clouds of dust against the sky,
And gleaming bronze, and robes of purple stain.
Then cried he to his serving men, and all
Obeyβd him, and their labour did not spare,
And women set out tables through the hall,
Light polishβd tables, with the linen fair.
And water from the well did others bear,
And the good house-wife busily brought forth
Meats from her store, and stinted not the rare
Wine from Ismarian vineyards of the North.
The men drave up a heifer from the field
For sacrifice, and sheathβd her horns with gold;
And strong Boethous the axe did wield
And smote her; on the fruitful earth she rollβd,
And they her limbs divided; fold on fold
They laid the fat, and cast upon the fire
The barley grain. Such rites were wrought of old
When all was orderβd as the Gods desire.