An innocent weekend getaway turns into an unexpected erotic adventure filled with steamy, seductive surprises...
Hard-working Dylan and his sexy wife Mia are in desperate need of a jump-start to their once amazing sex life. They hope to rediscover their passion for one another during a trip to a beautiful coastal resort, but they end up finding so much more.
When Mia accidentally uncovers graphic, X-rated messages on her husband's phone from a mysterious contact, it sets them both on a crash course of new experiences, thrusting them into a world of forbidden fantasies and deep desires.
From a naughty tryst to a passionate threesome, Dylan and Mia find themselves seduced by a series of carnal pleasures during their weekend stay, awakening their wild, playful sides once again.
Follow their story in explicit, satisfying detail as they explore their hotwife curiosities during a weekend of longing, lust, and liberation.