Introduce your child to the enchanting world of mystery, imagination, and fun with Yeshua the Adventurer: A Poke Card Mystery! This heartwarming and exciting story follows Yeshua, a curious and clever young boy with a knack for solving puzzles, as he embarks on a thrilling quest to uncover the truth behind a mysterious glowing card from a popular card game.
Perfect for children aged 6 to 10, this captivating tale encourages critical thinking, teamwork, and the joy of discovery. With vibrant, relatable characters and a story packed with twists, turns, and moments of pure wonder, your child will be transported into a world of excitement and adventure.
Parents and caregivers will appreciate the book's focus on positive values such as problem-solving, friendship, and curiosity. It's a delightful way to inspire young minds and nurture a love for reading. Whether your child is already a fan of card games or new to the concept, this story sparks creativity and invites readers to imagine a world where every card holds a secret waiting to be uncovered.
Yeshua the Adventurer: A Poke Card Mystery is more than just a book—it's the start of an unforgettable journey. Get ready to explore, dream, and solve mysteries together!