Free your mind & restore your spirit with: (A) True stories to inspire your direct access to infinite love; (B) personal & group contemplative practices (prayer & meditation); (C) activity guides & self-help exercises aligned with the biblical 7 Spirits of God using the 7 C's (Choice, Comedy, Compassion, Connection, Consciousness, Cosmos & Creativity).
Explore truth "powers that shouldn't be" have hidden about: Church (uninspired because real ekklesia is not church & includes everybody); Free will (for learning how to love genuinely because the real deal isn't faked); Jesus (religious change agent, not institution founder, executed by Roman Empire after teaching direct access to tough & tender love of our eternal Father & Mother); Claimed divine blueprint of God's will to predestine harm (monstrosity of error); Mary the Tower (Magdala) & Photine the Enlightened One (erasure by church); Peter, Paul & Augustine (top three biased church influencers against unity); Fraud indicators (scribes, creeds, false trinity & apostolic fabrication); Pope & "Paper Pope" (idolatry as if infallible of mortal man & bible as a politically mixed collection of books); Oppenheimer, "Oppie" (among leaders' causative examples for moral injury); and Togo, not Balto (the most heroic animal the world has ever known & a very good dog).
Author JR Sproull JD applies legal expertise to deconstruct institutional Christianity as well as religious and secular laws, leaders & lies of injurious systems generally. After deconstruction, compassionately constructive options point to your best way of life. God's not leaving the cosmos & you deserve joy!
JR Sproull JD, U VA Law, remains a decades-long member (now inactive) of the State Bar of GA, retired from a litigation career deconstructing laws, lies and leaders’ mishaps.
After theology studies, JR’s project management expertise expanded for independent non-denominational ministry credentials to curate community non-profit social services in CA, TX and NM, USA.
JR’s creative coaching deconstructs institutional religion with compassionate process where religious spirit and truth equals infinite love. We honor those living now as well as those who came before us. Grandma Sproull sang hymns while Grandpa fished on Sundays—to the examples of both, eternal thanks.
Writing Short Fiction & Blogging as JJ Sprowl at
Spirited Press is an imprint of JR Sproull JD.