On a remote island, a reclusive beekeeper discovers a dark secret that could destroy humanity in this frightening and fast-paced science fiction thriller. Suspense, mystery, and a touch of horror.
In the midst of a Global Bee Crisis, bees everywhere are dying and the food supply teeters on the brink of collapse. Pollination now relies on powerful mega-corporations known as Beelords.
Jim Parker, a honeybee expert, has retreated to Gull Island in Lake Michigan with his teenage daughter after a terrible family tragedy. He longs to hide from an increasingly dangerous world, and he hopes to live out his days practicing traditional beekeeping at the edge of the woods. He just wants to keep his daughter safe and have a quiet life.
Soon he discovers that this island is not the haven he once thought. A mysterious arsonist is torching his precious beehives, people are disappearing, and an unknown threat is lurking in the woods.
When Jim finds something very peculiar in his remaining hives, he begins to unravel a mystery that is deeper, darker and more complex than he ever imagined. Now he's not only fighting for the survival of his family, but for the very future of humankind.
If you love suspense, thriller, and science fiction novels in the tradition of Michael Crichton, Stephen King, and Blake Crouch, you'll love this compelling new series starter.
Grab your copy now!