Four feet tall...
One foot wide...
Half an inch thick...
Stanley Lambchop is an ordinary boy. Then one night, a huge bulletin board falls on him, and he wakes up flat! So begins Flat Stanley, the first in a beloved series of extraordinary adventures. In Invisible Stanley, our invisible hero plays matchmaker, appears (sort of) on television, and fights crime. Stanley in Space follows Stanley to the ends of the Earth and beyond. In Stanley, Flat Again!, he risks great danger to save a girl from being flattened...or worse. Flat or not, Stanley is full of fun!
Jeff Brown created the beloved character of Flat Stanley as a bedtime story for his sons. He has written other outrageous books about the Lambchop family, including Flat Stanley, Stanley and the Magic Lamp, Invisible Stanley, Stanley’s Christmas Adventure, Stanley in Space, and Stanley, Flat Again! You can learn more about Jeff Brown and Flat Stanley at
Daniel Pinkwater's gloriously funny books include The Hoboken Chicken Emergency, Looking for Bobowicz, and The Artsy Smartsy Club. He is regularly featured on National Public Radio. He lives in upstate New York with his beautiful wife, artist Jill Pinkwater.