In Winged Pharaoh, Joan Grant tells the story of Sekeeta, the Pharaoh’s daughter. The ancient Egyptians reserved the title of Winged Pharaoh for ruler priests who possessed extrasensory powers. When Sekeeta demonstrates psychic abilities, she is sent to the temple and trained to heal others and recall past lives. Upon the death of her father and her initiation as Priestess of Anubis, she becomes a Winged Pharaoh, a coruler with her brother—she is both priestess and pharaoh—and leads her country with vision and enlightenment. Arguably the most famous of Joan Grant’s Far Memory series, this book brings the grandeur, beauty, and mystery of ancient Egypt to life.
As a child, Joan Grant became aware of her uncanny “far memory,” the ability to recall past lifetimes. Her seven historical novels stand out for their vividness and rich detail. For Joan, these books were not works of the imagination but personal recollections of her previous lives.
Joan Grant (1907–1989) was an English author and well-known advocate of reincarnation.
Mil Nicholson is an experienced audiobook narrator and stage, television, and film actor. She has received acclaim for her rendering of the many characters in the books of Charles Dickens and for breathing life into his often lengthy monologues. She has also narrated the life of J.R.R. Tolkien on the Special Edition DVD of The Lord of the Rings. Born at the end of Hadrian’s Wall in Northern England, she now lives with her partner, Gary Bullock, in the quiet mountains of North Carolina.