You Are About To Discover A New And Highly Effective Approach To Weight Loss That’s Taking Over The World That Entails Leveraging The Fat Burning Capabilities Of Your Little Known ‘Skinny Gene’ To Make Weight Loss A Breeze!
Have you recently heard about the “sirtfood diet” everyone is talking about and wondered what it is, and how it could be of benefit to you?
Maybe you’ve unsuccessfully been trying to lose weight for the longest time and hope this is your salvation.
Well, based on the science behind the diet, the anecdotes and the studies conducted on the diet, it’s more than clear that the diet is legitimate and valid, and as it turns out, you can indeed burn fat effectively and sustainably by spending your evenings eating chocolate and red wine!
Sounds good to be true?
What is the sirtfood diet really?
How does it work?
What exactly do I have to eat to lose weight with it?
Does it come with any risks?
You will get answers to these and more questions, and even find out how you can implement the diet effortlessly, without any guidance whatsoever.
More precisely, this audiobook will teach you:
• Why you need to be dieting
• What sirtfoods are and what research says about them
• The relationship between sirtfoods and the blue zone diet
• How sirtfoods help in fighting fat
• How sirtfoods help in maintain muscle
• How the sirtfoods work, according to science
• How to adopt sirtfoods through a comprehensive diet plan
• What to do after completing the sirtfood diet
• How the sirtfood diet is different from other diets
• The advantages and disadvantages to expect from this diet
• How to know whether the sirtfood diet is right for you
• Frequently asked questions about the sirtfood diet
• Sirtfood recipes and a 21-day meal plan to get you started
...And so much more!