Whether you have ten or thirty years until retirement, Josh Jalinski shows you how to maximize your retirement saving and spending plan, while still having something to leave behind for your family, friends, and favorite causes.
Looking at your 401k in a volatile market can lead to panic and poor financial decisions. Even if you have already made some decisions you regret, or you waited until forty-five to think about retirement, there are steps you can take today that will help you reach your financial retirement goals.
Josh Jalinski, host of the popular Financial Quarterback™ radio show, offers his SWAN (sleep-well-at-night) retirement that works for people in all stages of their careers. This proven system for secure retirement planning lets you enjoy your money, and teaches you:
The truth is, a 401(k) is not enough for most retirees. Its time create a new paradigm, one that will stand up against market volatility and be there when it’s time to enjoy the years you worked to earn.
Josh Jalinski hosts the popular Financial Quarterback radio show, which attracts approximately 112,000 listeners every week, and is the CEO of Jalinski Advisory Group. He has been a Five Star Wealth Manager five years in a row and was named Advisor of the Year by Senior Market Advisor magazine. Jalinski is committed to helping clients of all income levels maximize wealth and create a realistic financial plan for present and future security.