In the picturesque town of Snowing Rock, Noelle Wentworth, a talented professional pianist, finds inspiration in the enchanting world of candles. As she pours her heart into creating beautiful scents at the local candle shop, little does she know that her life is about to take an unexpected turn.
Gabe Waters is usually prepared for anything—as a professional stuntman, his life depends on it—but nothing prepared him for Noelle Wentworth, the unattainable high school crush whose bravery once saved him from more than just a bully’s flying fist. There’s no hint she recognizes him, but Gabe knows that face, those eyes... and he sees something that wasn’t there before.
Their unexpected attraction kindles something as warm and sweet as a holiday candle. But the weight of their pasts could turn the promise of their love to ashes.
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